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Hospital’s MRI equipment out of service for repairs

The Bermuda Hospital’s Boards MRI equipment is undergoing repairs and people with tests scheduled can be referred elsewhere, the BHB said.

A spokeswoman explained: “The parts for the repair and the engineer are due on island early next week.

“The MRI is not usually required for emergency diagnostics, but patients who have MRI tests that are time-sensitive, can be referred to other providers.

“All other patients will be rescheduled once the MRI is operational again.”

She added: “Expanded MRI hours will ensure the rescheduled patients are seen as soon as is possible.

“All other imaging service modalities are working as usual.

“We apologise for the inconvenience to our impacted patients and will provide an update when repairs are complete.”

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Published May 22, 2024 at 6:30 pm (Updated May 24, 2024 at 6:09 pm)

Hospital’s MRI equipment out of service for repairs

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