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Property sales

Recent property sales filed with the Bermuda Government, including price sold and date registered.City of Hamilton43 Cedar Ave, The Olympic Club$2,100,000Nov 16, 20121 Bean Dale Rd$1,000,000Nov 16, 2012Paget16 Highwood Lane$1,200,000Nov 14, 2012Lot A 4 Barnes Valley$1,300,000Oct 1, 20121 High Pt Rd$1,058.00Sept 26, 201235 Grape Bay Drive$1,950,000June 19, 201212 Pomander Rd$1,450,000June 2012Loughlands #93$520,000May 14, 2012Highwinds, 21 Whitesands Rd$800,000May 30, 2012Melrose, 28 Middle Rd$400,000June 1Carruth Cottage, 4 Point Finger Rd$1,350,000Oct 3, 2012Sandys Parish11 Scaur Lane$875,000Nov 6, 20121 West End Lane$615,000Aug 27, 2012St George’sShip’s Hill Town Home #31$2,850,000June 8, 2012