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None are more blind …

January 26, 2011Dear Sir,There have been two recent polls which indicate that 44 percent of the electorate would vote for the PLP. There is the saying that there are none as blind as those who can see. Am I the only person who sees the country going downhill so fast, and the debt being incurred which will have to be paid by my children and grandchildren at some indeterminate date?(The way the debt is going, my great-great-grandchildren will be paying this off.)The only people benefiting from this gross mismanagement are the people driving around in the fancy GP cars and the overpaid contractors on Berkeley Institute, the emission control centres, the Law courts and Police building, the Dockyard cruise ship piers.Then there was the closing down of the St George’s Golf Club and Restaurant, which is still waiting for the hotel development on the old Club Med site, and that is advertised as being available. How much is it costing to keep the grass cut with no one playing on the course? Millions of dollars were spent on Port Royal for the possibility of Tiger Woods coming to Bermuda, which did not happen. Some of that money could have been put to better use on Ocean View Golf Course and St George’s Golf Course.How can anyone in their right mind vote for a party which has been the cause of so many cost overruns, numerous consultants, trips to China and India to promote tourism, when we should be concentrating on areas closer to home, as CV (Jim) Woolridge did in the glory days of tourism.Most sane voters in any country who saw such mismanagement would say: “What do we have to lose, let us vote another party into power and if they screw up we will get rid of them too!”Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, everything has become more racial in Bermuda and the electorate would prefer to see the demise of the country rather than use common sense and get rid of a Government which is causing so many problems. I will admit that in 1998 I thought it was good for the PLP to win because the UBP were becoming too arrogant but now that shoe is on the other foot, I urge everyone to seriously think of what is happening to our country and what we need to do about it.Change has to happen if we are to get out of the current financial mess, and as I stated in a previous letter, I will vote for the party which guarantees to reduce the debt and change postal regulations.Yours, forever hopeful, for a saner Bermuda.ANTONY SIESECity of Hamilton