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Words of wisdom

June 30, 2011Dear Sir,The magnetism and goodwill of friend Jean Foggo Simon, a born St David’s Islander, has arranged for over a year to bring to Bermuda two experts from National Geographic, Dr Theodore Schurr, associate professor and consulting curator, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania and his assistant, Jill Gaieski, the Geographic project administrator, North American regional office.A lecture was given by Ms Foggo Simon, Dr Schurr and Ms Gaieski at the Methodist Church Hall, on Church Street, in Hamilton, evening of June 16, 2011. The audience included several members of CURB (Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda). Some very enlightening words of wisdom were shared and we did not want to leave. Several of Jean Foggo Simon’s relatives include St David’s Islanders, (Burp) Lamb, (Moose) Pitcher, and Randy Pitcher paved the way for Ms Foggo Simon’s guests to participate in boat tours at the East End. Bermuda is astoundingly beautiful from the waterside from Somerset to St George’s, including the beautiful inlets.Dr Schurr, who was a guest in my home on his first visit to Bermuda, researched my DNA and noted that I have the (H: gene) on my mother’s side. My ancestry is of Native American, German, and Scandinavian heritage. Life is full of surprises. DNA can be a very enlightening tool historically, discovered by two Englishmen and one American. They received a Nobel Prize in the 1950s. It would be good if all families could have their DNA tested. The exercise of pool DNA testing is worth the price. I have pleasant memories of my friends Jean, Dr Schurr, Jill and her husband, a medical doctor and their two sons. I believe they will return to enjoy Bermuda’s beauty and her people. Jean Foggo Simon — my cup overflows with thanks to you. The Great Creator lives forever.EDWARD GIBBONS WELCH