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How the vision was lost

July 25, 2011Dear Sir,The other day during my devotions I came across this heading which read “Do not lose your vision”. As I continued to read and think of our present Government I asked myself if this is what has happened to the government; Has it lost its vision? Or could we say what happened to the platform strategy that aired originally? To the readers, I must say that I try to keep out of government business, but I am reminded that their business is definitely our business, because they are our representatives and we are the government (the people). The book of Proverbs 29 verse 18 reads as follows: “Where there is no vision the people go unrestrained, but happy are they that are keeping the law.”Think of the word unrestrained and take a good look at our government. Our Premier continues to tell the people how she is going to cut back, but remember she was the Finance Minister during the loose spending of the previous Premier. If she was going to do any kind of cutting, then was the time to do so, because it is so out of control at this time that if it is not controlled she will be borrowing to pay wages. How many of us stop to think of the monthly cost of wages which runs into a great portion of government revenue? How long can this go on. As I have said over and over, “If your outgoing is bigger than your income your upkeep will be your downfall”. Simple words of truth.If many of you are wondering how the vision was lost, let me share this with you. In order not lose the vision, one has to lose self-centeredness. Understand this, God wants us to enjoy success, but any time the profit margin (personal profit margins) becomes more important than the service principle, you will forfeit God’s blessings. I leave this with you to ponder and you be the judge and be true to yourself about what is going on in this Country. Think of our motto “Quo Fata Ferunt”. Are we being led or are we just followers. My one great fear is that our grand children will have to learn another language to live in their grandparent’s country.Yesterday I read the comments of Mr Richards who has some very strong views on the economy, but they are falling on deaf ears as usual. What amazes me is the fact that the government and the opposing party are all on the same boat rowing in opposite directions. Yes there is one captain on the boat, but there are others who give advice to the captain at times of serious matters. The captain just will not listen to the opposition because it is the opposition, but if they are right then follow their suggestions, remembering that they are all on the same boat and looking for a landing of stability economically. Madam Premier, is it not time for all to set aside party moods and sit down to the table to listen and agree to row together so that we can all reach the landing table of stability in the economy of the country?Also in The Royal Gazette there was talk of the ten year plan for the Somerset area. What amazes me again about the plan is that with tourism in a downfall, the director skips over the facility that is offering a service to tourism. It has the appearance that there is some kind of undercurrent going on. Now of course I could be wrong and if so I humbly apologise, but please come up with some better excuses and start serving Bermuda on the whole and not just part.I could go on, as there are so many issues at hand, but I will close and remind the voters once again your ‘X’ counts. Think and use it wisely. Question those who may run in the next election if they are prepared to serve with honesty and integrity and forsaking self. The book of Philippians 2:3 reads as follows: “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better then himself.” To you politicians I pray that you will read the whole chapter and apply it to your lives. Paul makes it quite clear what it takes to serve.AE WENDELL (SCOPSIE) HASSSELLSandys