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Credit where it's due

September 27, 2011Dear Sir,I respond to your little article on the two-year-old. I must point out at this time, that the heroic efforts of the young men who after a day's hard work, hang out at The Belvin's Store on Hermitage Road. I was not there to witness the heroic effort they played in saving the little girl's life, however I heard the talk and the emotional feedback from them in regard to their efforts. I don't know the young men's name who played the most important part, however I was in the traffic that Loyal Hill's Marvin Woolridge controlled. He played a terrific role in directing the traffic. He kept the cars moving and exiting. It was quite funny as one little lady in her car would not move until Marvin gave her the signal. The police need to take notice, he would make a terrific traffic cop on Front Street during the five 'o'clock traffic, or perhaps use him during any holiday event, as he surely commanded the respect of the drivers.This small incident saw young men who are often criticised playing a heroic effort and they surely need to be recognised.Perhaps you should visit the Belvin's parking lot and hear firsthand the powerful emotions evoked from this incident.ALTHEA OVERBEYPembroke