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Take a tougher line

April 4, 2012Dear Sir,Thank you very much for the space in your newspaper.I’m not certain who coined the saying ‘drastic times require drastic measures’, but this is certainly a time and case in point for our ‘Dear Bermuda’.Since many of our convicts are recidivists, why don’t we use a three strikes rule, to let them know we are serious about criminals in our society that are ruining the Country.Also, since it has been reported that there have been threats against the prison officers, to eliminate this, why not house the inmates overseas?This would also eliminate drugs and other items, being smuggled into the prison.Those offenders convicted of using guns to commit crimes, or possession of guns, or importing drugs should be sent overseas to a real prison.In Cleveland County, Gastonia, NC, they rent out space to the extent it would even save us money if we flew the prisoners there in an executive jet!Jail cells for rent: State inmates to be housed in Cleveland County detention centre ($50 per day = $18,250 per year vs. our $82,000 per year) Are we crazy!Another proposal would be to utilise ‘soft core’ prisoners to maintain elderly, retired persons houses, cut the grass, paint roofs, etc.I trust this will initiate conversation, debate, and, more importantly, provide some solutions to our growing problems.We must ‘make’ our politicians ACT, and act now!Newton Adcock