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Mundane and paper-wasting

April 16, 2012Dear Sir,I’m getting a little frustrated with the world of “original documentation mandatory”, specifically — for passports. I do not understand why in the age of 2012 is it mandatory that in every passport renewal process we must begrudgingly go through the turmoil (at least for me) in providing original documents over and over again. I would logically think that these things would be on file, (TCD is even ‘up with the times’ in this respect).Renewing a passport, which obviously shows previously approved documentation, should not require reproof of birth, for all required parties, every single time. I feel like telling current families with newborns to not leave the hospital without 25 original copies of the birth certificate, because sure enough they will be needed over and over again for the rest of their lives. Is it just me thinking that this mundane, paper-wasting task is a bit unnecessary? I would love to see some better efficiency in this process to help save time, paperwork & money for a seemingly simple process.FRUSTRATED PAPER SAVERSandys