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Two different men

April 19, 2012Dear Sir,I think I speak for most civilised, intelligent, and decent people in Bermuda when I say that the letter in the RG today from Brownlow Adderley literally made me sick to my stomach. Puke and vomit come to mind but just sick works too.To mention the name of Sir Henry Tucker in the same sentence as Ewart Brown is to show how biased and twisted some minds can be. I doubt Mr Adderley ever knew Sir Henry who virtually single-handedly, among the white populations, dragged white Bermuda from the racist past it had followed for years. No one ever did more than Sir Henry to start this Island on the road to integration. I didn’t say we were there ... but we are well on the road that he put us on.In my opinion, no one in the history of Bermuda did more damage to almost every sector of our community, especially in the area of racial harmony, than did Ewart Brown. End of story.AMAZEDSouthampton