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The recipe for our disaster

April 26, 2012Dear Sir,People can put signs up all over East Broadway; they can go to job fairs; they can listen to all the false promises; and they can hope like hell that a job will open up — but as long as the current Progressive Labour Party regime exists there will be no appetite for investment in Bermuda, and that means no jobs. This Government has turned off everybody in International Business and the result is that, over the past five years, the population has dropped by 6,000 people and almost every single one was a guest worker.That’s a drop of 25 percent of the non-Bermudian population. Contrary to Paula Cox’s warped economic analysis, the loss of each of those people means a loss of at least $500 per week that is not being put into our economy. That means the people who pay the bills (you do not think Bermudians do that, do you?) are not paying rent, they are not buying food in grocery stores, they are not eating out in restaurants, they are not employing housekeepers, pool cleaners, landscapers, and they are not doing anything that represents revenue to businesses ... and that is why there are no new jobs and lots of job losses.Take all that together with the PLP’s total inability to develop or resuscitate tourism plus its hostile attitude towards international business and you have the recipe for our current economic disaster. There will be no new investment in Bermuda until there is a change to a government that knows what they’re doing and has competent and forward-thinking people in its team. Another five years of the PLP is a virtual invitation to complete and utter failure.HOPE SPRINGS ETERNALSouthampton