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Where is your plan?

April 25, 2102Dear Sir,Please afford me a few drops of ink to respond to my learned friend Scott Stewart’s latest letter. Mr Stewart, you are displaying passion about the conditions of the marsh and the surrounding communities, which is admirable. You further state that the One Bermuda Alliance has a plan for the marsh. Whilst this is a complete shocker to me, as I have not seen this anywhere on your party’s manifesto or website, I will take it all in stride and go with the flow. Would it be possible to see an actual PDF file, or at the minimum an artistic impression of what this elaborate plan entails? Essentially “show us d plans mate”.I can assure you that it would be a welcomed entity for a myriad of reasons.n Less chance of firen Removal of an eyesoren Increased property valuesn Community gathering spotSo on this we have a common ground to stand on.Now I have a few questions for you, Sir. Over the last few months the OBA, through its relentless pursuit of openness and transparency, has heightened the sensitivities of the public at large as to a few things when it comes to capital projects. Please confirm to us the following items:n Where will horticultural waste be now going? You do now realise that trees will continue to grow after the election right?n Total projected costs of this project and how it will affect the national budget. Things are tight papa.n Potential contractors ... will it be tendered? Or do you have one lined up already?n Cost of removal of underground methane gases. Not dissimilar to the clean up at Morgan’s Point. (Wouldn’t want little Johnny to get tossed in the air when mother nature belches)n Will this fall under the Parks Department?n Essentially “show us the money”Now onto the bigger issue you raised in your initial letter — apathetic or unregistered voters. Mr Stewart I will go out on a limb and say you seem to be an honourable chap. And as you stated, “it is important to offer the voters of every constituency an alternative to their present representative and the way of doing things that he and/or she represents”.This being said, would it not be incumbent on you, to ensure every resident is registered to vote and is prepared to vote? We have spoken in private about getting more persons registered, as such I would think this would be a major priority, of not just yourself but your party. So to this end I will offer my hand as a Bermudian, in assisting to getting more persons registered. Essentially, ‘I see your hand and raise you one.’ We have a saying as Pond Dogs, “If the fish didn’t open his mouth ... he would not have gotten caught”.Mr Stewart, I don’t recall linking you with the UBP. I did however, give a historical context of the dump and the outright disdain shown to generations of residents in Pembroke East shown by the UBP. Now, according to your reply “I have never had any connection with the UBP”. One could take this as your subtle way of saying you have been a supporter of the Progressive Labour Party in the past? On that note, I would like to take this time to extend my arms to welcome you back into the congregation brother. We still are the “Little Green Church on the corner of Court and Angle St” and as they say in church — “God allows U-turns” and “There is room at the cross for you”.Your Pond Dog brother in Christ,CHRISTOPHER FAMOUS