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Churches’ position is correct

July 19, 2012Dear Sir;Re: Adventists, Catholics weigh in on Planned Equality Bill (July 18, 2012)The heads of the Adventist and Catholic churches are in agreement that the Bible clearly denounces homosexuality (practice/promotion) -1 Corinthians 6:9-11-, but extends grace to the homosexual (person) -John 3:16-.As a Seventh-day Adventist, I appreciated the careful stance Dr Brown took in not endorsing a legislation that may still be in its draft form. While all persons, including homosexuals, should be treated fairly and with respect at all times, will the legislation require a church which opposes the practice/promotion of homosexuality to hire or retain an employee on that basis?The verb, “to discriminate,” in this context means to make a distinction between those who promote or oppose the church’s moral values, and to reserve endorsement of the legislation until this point is clear is a commendable step by Dr Brown.DELBERT PEARMANFormerly of WarwickLaurel, Maryland (formerly of Warwick)