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Open letter to Dale Butler

Dale Butler MP

July 27, 2012Dear Sir,This is an open letter to Dale Butler, MP.In 1998 you stood as the candidate for the PLP in Warwick East and because of your incomparable character, your roles as an educator, a family man and an active community citizen of Bermuda, you received more votes in that election than any other candidate in the history of Bermuda. I was one of those voters.Fourteen years later, the same party that you stood for then and still stand for has proven over and over again they are not worthy of serving this little Island. Day in and day out we learn of unethical but not illegal behaviour.We hear of unauthorised deals by Ministers that shouldn’t be. We hear of payments to certain parties that should never have taken place. We hear of millions upon millions of taxpayer money that is missing and unaccounted for.We hear of four Uighurs being smuggled into Bermuda by the former Premier Brown and Burch and the Bermudian people still don’t know what monetary compensation was received by whom.We have news of financial problems with virtually every capital project this Government has done, ie gross overruns, starting with the Berkeley School.We read damning reports of Government’s financial mismanagement from the Auditor General.We have news of nepotism and cronyism.We have a lighthouse and ferry boats that are rusting away, and this shameful list, Dale Butler, goes on and on.My question to you is how you, a man of good character and integrity, can continue to serve a party that has such an appalling history of mismanagement, alleged corruption, nepotism, cronyism, undercover deals, deceit and the like? They have given you Ministries only to take them away from you and have left you sitting on the backbench where your talents are wasted. I think that you are being used (along with others sitting there) and you are allowing it. The constituents of Warwick East now Zone 25, deserve better than this.I just remembered something — you were part of the rebel 11 group that schemed to kick Jennifer Smith out as Premier on the night she won the PLP’s second term as Government in 2003 and I wrote a letter to the Editor on that. Here is an excerpt of the last paragraph of that letter dated Aug 11, 2003: “I recently spoke with one of the eleven “rebels” and he told me that they only gave her what she practised… Deceitfulness and secrecy!”That “rebel” was you, Dale Butler so I rest my case.PAT FERGUSONWarwick