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Save our sea glass

Endangered: Cruise ships are telling their passengers that one of the ‘must see’ places while visiting Dockyard is Bottle Beach.

August 18, 2012Dear Sir,Just wondering if the artists in the community need any sea glass? If so, better get crackin’ to the west end beaches. The visitors’ are removing the stuff by the bucketload. There are websites telling people where to go and videos on YouTube. Locals are asked daily for directions to the West End beach. US national parks do not allow removal of the glass from their park beaches. It’s actually a bit of a Bermuda treasure if guarded a little. People will come just to see it. A sign wouldn’t be a bad idea. wondering how long it will last. People frown when someone removes a bucket of sand from the beach, but there is so much more sand than this sea glass. it should be protected to some degree. Customs at the dockside have actually taken the sand the visitors have collected at the beach and dumped it out. Wonder what they do with the seaglasss?DIMINISHING RESOURCESandys