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Gays don’t need protection

August 27, 2012Dear Sir,So the most unwelcome issue of the gay agenda has crashed on our beautiful shores with a deafening thud! The amendment being floated as a take note motion for the gay community would prevent the aforementioned from being discriminated against in employment, accommodations and goods and services. Their case as posited commands special notice in the public square.We certainly would not want the facts to get in the way of a good story. Here they are:This amendment, though well intended, is not needed as pertaining to the Bermuda context. Where are the hordes of homeless and unemployed people being deprived of goods and services because of their same gender intimacy, real or imagined?In this small country we are very inclusive in areas pinpointed for protection from discrimination. Homosexual men and lesbian women are not lepers in this island but perform well and enjoy employment in the highest echelons of Bermudian society in every area of endeavour without exception and are not ostracised at all.Who in their right minds would discriminate in this economic climate in goods and services against anyone? To say business houses and service providers refuse to sell and work for customers on the basis of what they do in their bedrooms is just silly. There are, however, landlords who refuse to rent for a variety of reasons to people in the primary residence where they live. This of course would be attached apartments. But to make the case that same gender couples are unable to find a roof over their heads, what rubbish!Mr Editor, if the need for special consideration of these people exists then I ask where is the lobby? Surely the homeless, hungry, shabbily clothed by virtue of not being able to secure goods and unemployed citizens whose only offence is the gay lifestyle would lobby Parliament with huge disquiet!There is no need for the amendment. We are a caring and considerate Island with strong Christian charity even to those with an errant and unnatural lifestyle. The intent by the Minister and others may be noble but unnecessary, this one is not broken, therefore no need to fix. For some to say the Church folk want to deprive our neighbors and friends whose same gender intimacy from enjoying human rights is outrageous!It should come as no surprise when we see the thin edge of the wedge, or the opening of Pandora’s box, as pertaining to the gay agenda worldwide having its expected incursion into our jurisdiction.We must push back firmly and resist with resolve but tempered with love the clear desire to redefine our culture down a path of ruin! Let us be wise and informed if we are to win the day in the market place of ideas that has lost its moral compass. We must arm ourselves against the advances of thinking that want us to accept what is clearly wrong.WAYNE B SCOTTSmith’s