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Thanks for the excellent care

August 30, 2012Dear Sir,It was necessary for me to be hospitalised in September 2011. This began 16 weeks of care and treatment. I choose this time to thank all of the hospital staff who played a part in my recovery.I had my last surgery in May 2012 and my last surgeon’s visit in August 2012.From the Emergency staff, ICU, Perry Ward etc., surgeons’ Hermann Thouet, plastic surgeon Elaine Hodgson and all of the surgical staff, everyone including home visits nurses, you all played a major part in my recovery.I would also give special thanks to the bishops, pastors and regular visitors who came to see me while I was hospitalised. I am so blessed.I want to thank you all for your prayers, cards, flowers, gifts, telephone calls etc. You are a real Blessing.PASTOR DELORES E. AMARALSandys