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Let us have a say

November 15, 2012Dear Sir,This letter was also sent to Paula Cox.Good day, Madam Premier. My name is Martina Riley and I am a 27-year-old hairdresser who is currently studying in Manchester, UK. I write to you on behalf of myself and I’m sure hundreds of other college students who are upset at the date set for the upcoming election, as most of us will be home at the end of the week selected. I do not feel valued as a citizen as I feel no considerations were made for us. I am very upset by this as I feel that we are being stripped of our right to vote. We are the future, and I believe that we should have a say.Since I have been of voting age, I have voted Progressive Labour Party. However, over recent years I have lost faith. I was told that I wasn’t eligible for assistance for college, yet, other young women my age who have no desire to further their education and have several children are assisted with housing, childcare, groceries and the like. I do not have any children because I decided that I need to build my empire before I can accommodate any children. I have been renting in Bermuda for the past few years, money which could have been saved to further perfect my craft. As a single young woman, with ambition and goals, I am not looking for a handout, I am just concerned that the Government doesn’t have anything in place that can help other young women and men who are in a similar predicament. Can you please advise what the PLP plans to do in the future to ensure that those of us who will be returning home from college in the next few years will have the same rights and assistance that others have? All the best in the upcoming election. God bless.MARTINA RILEYManchester, UKBy way of Sandys