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Vote for Kim Swan

December 18, 2012Dear Sir,Many will say this is not an objective letter to the Editor and they would be partially right because I am writing to the Constituency 2 residents endorsing Kim Swan.I have watched this man grow from political strength to strength. Initially his passion came over most times too loud and when he came home from Senate he would get an assessment sometimes that wasn’t pleasing to him. I can recall Alf Oughton saying he may have lost a bit of his hearing sitting next to Kim in the upper house.He missed many a sports day, school play and teachers conference because of having to fulfil his job of taking care of the Bermuda people’s business. He missed being at my side for our eldest daughter’s brain surgery because he had to deliver the Senate Budget response but came out the following day and took over so I could get some rest. You see I didn’t bargain to be a politician’s wife, but I could not deny Kim or Bermuda the fire in the belly passion Kim has for St George and Bermuda.He shared with many that I probably wouldn’t have voted for him in 1998 and when I questioned his dedication to the United Bermuda Party, a party with a clouded history, he would say “Cindy the Lord has guided me there and hearts need to be changed, the party needs a conscience and that’s my role”. No matter how difficult the road turned, he would bend like the wind and continue on the path of trying to change hearts. He never invited me to caucus and I never asked to attend. We both knew my Central American temperament would clash with his goals and objectives. I would watch him as the Leader of the Opposition address his elders as Mr or Mrs So and so and wonder why, as he was on same status as these people would he do this when they all just called him “Kim” or never telling him to call them by their first name as well.His respect for the UBP and PLP elders were amazing. Dame Lois, Austin Thomas, Ralph Terceira, Harry Veira, Sid Stallard, Stan Ratteray, Clifford Maxwell, John Swan, Eva Hodgson and Ira Phillips; along with his best friend Brutus in St George and his friends at St George’s Club along his respect for Charlie Swan and the Batson Swan family. When the PLP terminated his contract at the St George’s club, Jeanne Atherden’s husband was the manager and it was the saddest I have ever seen Kim (Kim never bitter nor holding a grudge gave Jeanne her first political opportunity). He was broken. His friends gave him a hustle and he was not ashamed to roll his sleeves up and do plumbing work with his St George/St David’s friends to make ends meet. (Even though, I’m sure he was just extra hands as golf and politics are his only forte).Kim’s morning starts every day with a walk down through his community. Taking notes on his Blackberry. He has written Throne Speech replies on that Blackberry. He does not wait for election year to check on his community, he checks regularly. He works with Government to get things for Bermuda but doesn’t do so only to seek publicity. Many are trying to tarnish his political career as saying that he leaked “the secret plan” out. Fact is that he and Charlie were locked out of the UBP office, locks changed and they the UBP chairpersons at the time thought they had all UBP data under lock and key.Gary Moreno asked Kim a question and he simply answered honestly. When law suits were being threaten against ZBM and The Royal Gazette, Kim felt it his duty to set the record straight. That is the kind of man Kim Swan is, always making sure honestly prevails. He grooms our daughter who has political ambition with his famous quote “you don’t go into politics to make money you go in to politics to serve people.”C2, his voice will continue to be your voice. Kim Swan has represented St George’s and Bermuda extremely well. On December 17th we will Vote to reelect an MP who has done is job admirably.CINDY SWANSt George’s