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Tired of being kept in the dark

January 7, 2013Dear Sir,I have a few questions concerning the sudden closure of Dr John Doherty’s cardiologist practice which took place in (I think) November 2012. I have asked questions and to date, I have not received any answers. Dr Doherty has been my cardiologist for the past 12 years and with the abrupt closing of his office, many heart patients like me are left high and dry without referrals to another cardiologist which is unethical and frustrating to say the least. Not only that, we were not informed by Dr Doherty that his office would be closing and ironically, I have an appointment scheduled with him for the 25th of this month so what does that tell you? This tells me there is something suspiciously untoward going on here and it does not look good. What I would like to know — and I am sure other patients would like to know is has he left Bermuda? Did he have some disagreement with the Bermuda Hospital’s Board and because of that his work permit was pulled? Why wasn’t he given enough time to clear up his affairs and inform his patients of the closure of his office? What has happened to our medical files?These are only some of the questions that need to be answered and as a patient of Dr Doherty; I have the right to know. We are dealing with heart patients here — not toothaches. Unfortunately in Bermuda it seems when it comes to getting the truth and or transparency, it is like finding hen’s teeth. There is no such animal. Bermuda has had enough of being kept in the dark and it is about time that we expose what needs to be exposed. Too much covering up of people’s self interest has gone on far too long and I hope the One Bermuda Alliance as Government will see to it that transparency rules the day. Also, I wish people would not be such contemptible cowards by turning their heads the other way while abuses are being carried out. Someone knows what happened to Dr Doherty, but no one is talking. Shame on you!PAT FERGUSON