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A use for GP cars

Government's GP cars, which are no longer being used, could be put to use helping the Medical Clinic, a reader suggests. <I></I>

January 26, 2013Dear Sir,I am glad to hear that the Medical Clinic will be reopened. Today's economy and lifestyles require alternative methods of catering to people's health needs in varying degrees and the stigma of visiting a clinic of any sort is usually unwarranted. Boston has all sorts of clinics that are supported by the state, city and organisations with many much needed services, so it's a good thing to see Bermuda get back on track with this.I have one recommendation though. Seeing as many people are out of work that also need medical services, how about taking some of the non-used GP cars and assigning them to the Medical Clinic. People out of work can sign up as drivers to help shuttle the patients of the clinic back and forth and in return can be given credit towards medical services themselves. This could be expanded to support other programmes such as The Salvation Army etc as well.Putting people to work, getting greater value from the GP cars and supporting those in need all at the same time.DEREK AG JONESBoston