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A responsibility and obligation

February 22, 2013Dear Sir,I’ve sat back for a while and observed the intriguingly interesting political scene that we currently have on our Island. Something that has caught my attention is the recent matter involving the confusion concerning the proposition of cancelling term limits. I stand strong in my position that I do not support cancelling term limits. Bermudians deserve the priority of jobs here on the Island, after all this is our country. I do believe that there is a place in our society for a foreigner to come to the Island and earn a living, however I believe that must be done with regulations, and cancelling term limits does exactly the opposite. I was absolutely shocked and rather disturbed to hear some of Minister Fahy’s comments in which he even described Bermudians as “xenophobic”. Xenophobia is a dislike or fear of people from other countries, or of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange.In my humble and respectful submissions, I must say that this was an inflammatory and disrespectful comment made by Minister Fahy, one that generalises and disrespects Bermudians as a whole. Metaphorically speaking, let’s imagine that I am coming as a guest to your home, and your parent cooks for me and tells you that you can’t eat. Maybe you’ll accept it for a night because I am the guest; but then this continues without a foreseeable end. Aren’t you going to be upset? Is it too much for you to ask your parents to provide a meal for you, after all you are the resident and their child whom they have a responsibility and obligation to provide for. So is it ridiculous for you to complain and asked to be fed in your own household? No it is expected in those circumstances for you to be upset and ask questions. Now let’s bring it back home, this is what some Bermudians did, they voiced there opinion and disagreement with the proposition of cancelling term limits and they were branded as “xenophobic”. Think about the metaphoric scenario that I have given you, its very similar to the situation surrounding term limits and how some Bermudians may feel. The government has a responsibility and obligation to provide for the Bermudian people and in my humble and respectful submissions cancelling term limits is not the way to go about things!ERON HILLSandys