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No excuse for obnoxious behaviour

April 11, 2013Dear Sir,The gay agenda has received a shot in arm resulting from alleged bad behaviour of an employee of an East End establishment. There can be no excuse for obnoxious and bad behaviour to any patrons of a business plying for trade. In this case without all the information firmly on the table we should avoid a rush to judgment.I most certainly am opposed the Rainbow Alliance’s view on same sex rights, and I do take some exception to the orgy of name calling of those of us who views differ.I am not now or ever will be spoiling for a fight with liberal views on same sex intimacy and marriage. I will champion the cause that says it is wrong and should not be embraced in our lovely island.For the record I do not support overt and punishing discrimination of same sex couples, I do not lack maturity and as to enlightenment I humbly submit to a passing grade on that one. Such terms as inflexibility and bigotry for a world view that differs from your own does not make these words true. We disagree and are not homophobic because others say so!The Bible of course is always invoked and should be rightly divided and applied. Sexual intimacy before marriage, adultery and same gender intimacy are all forbidden in the book of books.We live in a free democracy and the LGBTQ crowd are entitled to their views, and by the way, what does the Q now stand for? It appears they may enlist the entire alphabet. I will let my views be known every time this issue hits the public square. The position I espouse is not ignorant or hateful but tries to uphold traditional, moral and yes Biblical values that is more likely to rain down the blessings of almighty God on our country, are you with me? As for an abomination let’s include multiple murders, drug trafficking and drunken driving to the list. God loves sinners and want them to repent!Wayne B Scott