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We need a trade school

April 28, 2013Dear Sir,Is our public education system failing? Let’s examine and see if I can bring some thoughts and clarity.Mr Acting Editor, I want to ask you if you think that every child is born with the same educational/intelligence IQ. If your answer is yes, then we know where to squarely place the blame. If your answer is no then we can unravel the great mystery as to why.Can you teach children an IQ? The system has attempted to do so repeatedly whether knowingly or unknowingly for many years.Like speed, you can’t teach, you’re born with it.Some children are born smarter than others. That is a fact. Some will grow into white collar workers, the others blue collar workers.The education system separates the higher IQ students from the lower but does nothing to prepare the lower IQ’s for life after school. This theology hasn’t changed.Mr Acting Editor, I put forward this proposal to improve our public education system.Reintroduce a trade school.Build a government/business/school partnership.Evaluate students at the age of 14 by the school principals, education officers, grade teachers and parents to access the student’s progress. They have a documented history from age five and can be channelled accordingly to the next phase.Students entering the trade school, I recommend two trades to be undertaken. With one stipulation, they cannot be in the same industry eg carpenter/mason will not be allowed while carpenter/computer technician, electrician/motor mechanic will. A downturn in the economy they will have options to maintain employment. With two certifications one can add to his/her portfolio by acquiring a heavy truck or taxi license.I recommend one day a week for class to brush up on basic subjects they will need, adding a basic course in money management and physical education.Extend the finishing year to age 20.We pay once to certify potential workers instead allowing the students to finish school at 18 non-qualified and have the taxpayers pay again to have them enrol into the NTB certification programmes.I ask again, why is the public education system failing?BROWNLOW ADDERLEYSouthampton