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An extra travesty

Dear Sir,Sad but true, all school students will receive an extra day off from school per month. In other words, the same obnoxious behaviour we used to find normally at the bus terminal is about to increase because:1. Students still catch the bus free.2. With this extra day off now, they’ll be hanging around town doing a pack.There’s obviously going to be no end to the madness as even the teachers, will be taking a day off per month. Walton Brown has every right to be upset by this. People complained before about students running amok before and now with that extra day who knows what mayhem( those who aren’t well trained in their daily life), will do on that day off.PTB haven’t sorted out possibly having students pay school bus tickets (like they did back in the early 70s-90s era) or must have a special school pass on them whenever travelling on a bus (last year they were getting on a bus, hopping off the bus, and getting on another one with ease and why? Because they didn’t have to pay plus. It was actually irritating seeing so-called mature Berkeley/CedarBridge students doing that as well — should leave the immatureness to the middle-schoolers unless some have more common sense than that).Regarding Walton Brown though — how could you possibly agree for a ex-US Marine to be new Education Commissioner? I would’ve been saying that was a travesty as well for Government to even allow a non-Bermudian who doesn’t even know our UK curriculum, to even get the job over a guy from England or at least a Bermudian who does. That’s an extra travesty to me.TRAVESTATEDDevonshire