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Parking time should be increased

September 25, 2013Dear Sir,I recently sent a suggestion via e-mail to the Corporation of Hamilton about the new fee changes and the limitation of one hour parking on the City streets, bearing in mind the steep consequences of a $200 fine.Notwithstanding the Corporation’s desire to increase revenue, the limitation of parking for only one hour on the street limits quality time in the City for seniors and persons outside of Hamilton needing to attend business meetings.Fortunately, we are in the technological age and online meetings and internet shopping may be the way to go for persons who no longer desire the inconvenience of going into Hamilton, but such reactions are likely to have a negative impact on retailers, restaurateurs, businesses and the like who rely on these activities to generate their own income.In light of this observation, it seems prudent to allow two hour street parking which will afford persons more time to spend a complete hour taking care of their affairs in the City, while at the same time allowing time to travel to and from their vehicles.I hope the Corporation doesn’t make the mistake of undervaluing the needs of the users of the City, thereby moving even further away from being people or age friendly, such a move would truly be another unfortunate blow to Bermuda Inc.Claudette Fleming