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The Premier made it about race

October 23, 2013

Dear Sir,

On Monday evening, October 21, Premier Craig Cannonier informed us on ZBM that there were “whites suffering as well” and “this is not about race”.

“This” may not be about race but there is still an enormous disparity, economically, socially and psychologically, between the black and white communities, despite the significant exceptions which merely underscore the disparities.

Before the white community made him Premier, not so long ago, Premier Cannonier waxed eloquent in his passionate comments about the evil inflicted on him by past Government’s racist policies, propaganda and practices.

The fact that at the time both poor whites and Portuguese (neither of whom had been enslaved) also suffered discrimination in no way minimised the racist evil inflicted on him and both demeaned and exploited all blacks.

The fact that a few whites may also be suffering in no way minimises the continuing long term economic, social and psychological impact of past Governments’ deliberate racist policies towards blacks on the thesis of our inherent inferiority.

The Premier contended that there were more blacks suffering because we are in the majority. By that logic, or measurement, we should also have a majority of CEO’s, Managers and wealthy Board members. Do we? The Premier talked about equity of opportunity, but without an equally deliberate policy of Black Affirmative Action to counter the economic, social and psychological advantages, benefits and privileges which continue to accrue to the white community as a result of our history of centuries of white affirmative action, his words are meaningless rhetoric intended to manipulate his audience without in any way narrowing the racial disparities or improving race relations.

The Premier made it about race.

Yours etc.

Eva N. Hodgson