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Corrected your serious social pollution

Grape Bay, Paget.

April 1, 2014

Dear Sirs,

I was perplexed and not a little alarmed that the US government decided to warn visitors that our beaches were polluted with sewage. While I cannot comment on the accuracy of this statement I choose to believe the Minister of Health who says this is not correct. What alarmed me was the way the warning was issued without any thought to the financial implications to our tourism industry and the overall serious economic losses we might incur. I do hope this warning did not come as a surprise to our government and I do hope that as a long term friend of the US we were offered a chance to respond.

On the topic of pollution, I think the United States needs to address the pollution of racism that seems to be allowed to go unchecked since Barack Obama has become president. He is indeed the Jackie Robinson of presidents as he is insulted with impunity and Fox News and toxic commentators like Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck feel it is open season on the president.

Twice this month I had the misfortune to be close to two Americans who seemed eager to let me know that they would like to see the President killed and then I overheard two ancient crones discusses the fact that they never thought there should have been a Civil War or an end to slavery. What has happened to America? Aren’t you ashamed that you have now taken the place of pre-Mandela South Africa. It really is time that integration is taken seriously in the US. White people need to live near to, go to school with minorities and most importantly respect them. I am sick of seeing women clutching their cheap handbag when I go past. I do not fit the profile of a purse snatcher but all they see is my non-white face.

I am not one of those people who sees racism in every action but these things are appalling in a world where the majority of people are non-white. When you have corrected your serious social pollution, then perhaps you can help the world with the serious pollution which affects us all. The garbage in the ocean and global warming and stop using more resources than any other country on earth.