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Campaign has awakened the people and initiated dialogue

On the streets: The People’s Campaign march last week in Hamilton has awakened people and initiated necessary dialogue to bring forward change, a reader writes.

6 May 2014

Dear Sir,

How could a march advocating equality, jobs and justice be referred to as pathetic and sad?

What’s really sad is the state of the economy and the position that both governments have left Bermuda in. And what’s pathetic is the economic and societal ignorance of many and the unwillingness to get involved and assist in economic recovery and share in the sacrifice necessary to build this economy. It’s not by accident we find ourselves in the predicament we’re in today. We all must take civic responsibility for the state of the economy, for the democratic system in which we live allows for free speech and the right to hold those that we entrust our Island to accountable.

Government’s belt has tightened. There’s no doubt about that. Some of those that marched May 1 are testament to that. One day’s pay, per month, may not seem like much to some but for others, living in an inflationary economy, the discomfort is elevating. The quality of life has shifted for many and the educated and the working class reside among the suffering. The sacrifices and economic challenges are mounting. It’s time to institute a liveable wage.

Government workers are making the sacrifice by way of furlough days but what responsibility does the private sector bare? Surely those in positions of power and wealth, whether in the public or private sectors, should be making greater contributions to economic recovery. Companies have the audacity to boast profits in a recessionary economy after reporting redundancies and laying off Bermudian labour. Redundancies should be the last option for employers for there are social consequences that accompany unemployment. No one would deny the benefits that international business or foreign labour has brought to this Island. The displacement of Bermudians, the impact on real estate and wages, however, needs to be governed.

Measures have to be put into place to ensure our people progress, develop and elevate in their Island home. On an Island where there are more jobs than people the entire working population should experience job security. The injustices of foreign labour occupying posts that Bermudians are well capable of doing or can be trained to do is inexcusable and unacceptable and it’s time the people take a stand and fight for equality, jobs and justice. The livelihood of the people should be Government’s first priority. And the people should demand it.

Bermuda is rife with challenges. The education system is in a constant state of change, causing adverse side effects on our youth, the economy is still in a state of recession, real estate is stubborn to decline and the cost of a basket of goods inflates continuously. It’s time to wake up and have some real dialogue and develop a comprehensive plan of action, to turn this economy around in the spirit of oneness, equality and prosperity for all. But heed this warning … it won’t be comfortable. And it shouldn’t be, for sacrifice rarely emanates feelings of comfort or joy. The end result however is beneficial for all. This Island belongs to the Bermudian people, and the sacrifice should be shared by all.

The organisers of the People’s Campaign should be commended. Their diligence has awakened the people of Bermuda and initiated the necessary dialogue to bring forward change. Let’s stop pointing the finger and contribute to solutions. Bermuda what sacrifices are you making?