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Yes, our elected officials should be drug tested

June 23, 2014

Dear Sir,

It is indeed most gratifying that drug testing for our holders of public office is now law.

The arguments against politicians having to submit to tests for illegal drug use required of those responsible for policy and direction for this country were hollow and questionable for those who sought our votes for their sage wisdom in effective government.

There is a commentary concerning Bermudian men who have difficulty in finding employment because they cannot pass mandatory drug testing, which is the new normal being used by employers. This is deeply worrying in a depressed economy. The practice is not without merit given the horror stories of employers regarding the use of drugs or being impaired on the job.

They want to hire Bermudians first, when considering the hassles and expense of guest workers. Certainly it is worth mentioning that not all of our Bermudian men use drugs.

When we hear that our leaders have a private life and therefore what is done while they are off duty (which they never are) is their own business is ridiculous and patently absurd in my opinion.

The absence of similar legislation in other jurisdictions leaves me unimpressed as a valid argument. Standing alone for what is fundamentally right is both laudable and ground breaking as right thinking and a commendable example. Why not be the first and set a historical precedent.

This would hopefully be a watershed moment for our tiny jurisdiction. See here, it is not my position for those ambitious of public service to be of canonised sainthood, but they should set the bar high for life in the fish bowl of public service.

If you decide to pursue a career in law enforcement your private life and behaviours demand that you do not disgrace the uniform or compromise the accepted standards of honourable conduct. If you make a spectacle of yourself off duty it could lead to expulsion from the service.

In conclusion our MPs and Senators are not conscripted, but in fact knock on our doors and ask for our votes in the most convincing way possible.

If you are fortunate enough to be elected, congratulations you won the lottery.

The prize? A very thankless job. You just gave away any trust people had in you, and charges you are in it for yourself are par for the course.

Perceptions of you becoming corrupt for many is synonymous with being a politician and is universal in every democracy. Local politicians have no logical expectation of privacy in this tiny community. If there is nothing to hide then why all the disingenuous objections?

Drug testing for our legislature is excellent policy. Hooray!