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It’s time for the village to fight back

29 September, 2014

Dear Sir,

The latest incident outside the Southampton Fairmont leaves me wondering just what is going on in this be-knighted island. Gangs? For what? There is an organisation called MADD (Mothers against Drunk Driving) in various countries, which was started by a mother mad with grief at losing her child to a drunk driver.

Surely the love of our children should inspire the mothers of this country to start an organisation MAG (Mothers against Gangs) and make sure that the minute there is any sign of a child joining a gang she takes immediate action to prevent this association with morons. Gangs are closely associated with the drug trade and any responsible mother should recognise illicit money coming into her household and have the fortitude to report the activity to the police and get professional help.

We are always told to do our part in raising a village, (which is what Bermuda is), so the banks should report sudden wealth, the car dealers should report sudden purchases of cars from people without jobs, and the police should publish the pictures and names of gang members so we can all know who they are and identify them when they commit crimes.

I think we should do away with prison guards and recruit psychologists working with the prisoners as they are mostly in need of skilled professionals rather than hardened guards who are probably friends or relatives of the inmates.


JK Williams