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‘Sensational’ show at Anglican church

Dear Sir,

Ira Philip approached me at St James Anglican Church on May 3 after a wonderful afternoon musical/theatre performance.

He wanted to interview me after I told him it was the best performance I had heard and seen for years. Because I haven’t heard from him, here is what I, a retired Canadian lawyer and first-time tourist to Bermuda, wrote in my diary that day.

“A band of two drummers, two saxophone players, an electric guitar and a keyboard mixed in with a prerecorded voiceover to explain what was happening in the plot about who stole the church’s money, supported five males and five females who sang gospels and tunes in harmonies that enlivened the packed audience to clap and sing along. Marvellous! The cast, which included an actor priest, was full of energy and dance who changed rhythms and dug into our hearing with powerful words, emotions and gestures.

“The priest preached to the congregation and there was no holding him down as he changed moods from raw jokes to a sermon about Jesus, God, economics, faith and happiness. Fabulous!

“The Governor and his wife across the aisle joined in, too! The audience was fully engaged in this combination of the actors’ personal crafts and the telling of a detective story to a very funny and musical congregation and preacher in one of Bermuda’s Anglican Churches. Sensational!”

Willson McTavish QC, Ontario