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Bermuda, push Government into Heaven

Baroness Thatcher

Dear Sir,

I have read your newspaper report of the expert advice to reduce our massive debt. I have not read the original report, but note these circumstances: the two main reasons for the debt is the profligate spending of the former government, and the socially motivated unnecessary increase of civil servants.

Nothing is going to be done to stop the legal palm-greasing of officials, which is a worldwide abuse because every political party wants its turn to raid the public purse. After all, it is the largest source of free money in every government in the world.

The Bermuda Government, obviously, is trying to avoid union confrontation. Wake up, Bermuda. There is a clear way out. The ideal and fastest solution will be to shut down the Government’s leaking financial pig trough, and also to rationalise government services. No government official who knows where his bread is buttered, especially government administration experts, will recommend the first. That just leaves the Civil Service.

Margaret Thatcher hit the Civil Service. That works. Justice, however, demands that we be even-handed, pay down the debt in five years and live happily ever afterwards with a corruption-free government and a pleasant and efficient civil administration. How about a Bermuda-size $50 million budget?

Heaven is the firmament between the clouds (upper waters) and the sea (lower waters). Genesis 1: 6-9. The ancient (we call them savages) philosophers figured it out. Where are the brains of our modern experts? We are in heaven now, in our own dimension. Bermuda, push the Government into Heaven. It’s all around us.

Yours sincerely,