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Has union lost plot over deal?

Asking too much?: Jason Hayward, president of the Bermuda Public Services Union (File photograph by Akil Simmons)

Dear Sir,

Ask anyone in the present economic climate in Bermuda, or anywhere, whether they would prefer to have a job and its associated benefits or no job and severance pay. Most would choose to have a job. Yet we are given to understand that the Bermuda Public Services Union workers at BAS Serco want both? Really?

Can someone explain this please? Surely severance pay is exactly that — because there is no job going forward and the employee is being severed from their position with the company.

Have the unions completely lost the plot?

It is to be hoped that the new service providers at the airport will give those who think their entitlements are something more than what the rest of us believe is fair and once the workers have had their severance pay, the company is then free to employ someone else.

Surely, to expect the continued employment and severance pay is like having your cake and eating it, too?

When are the unions going to wake up to the reality that there is no longer enough cake to go around, let alone allow for double helpings.

It’s time they helped with creating more cake, rather than squabbling over bigger shares for those that are fortunate enough to be eating cake.