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Thoughts by candlelight: come back, hurricane!

The calm after the storm: view towards Somerset Bridge from the old ferry dock at sunset on Thursday (Photograph by Lisa Simpson)

Dear Sir,

Attached is our family poem written last night (Thursday) by candlelight:

Come back, hurricane!

Tanks filling

Beautiful raging oceans

Excited schoolkids in pyjamas

Pets being petted

Separated loved ones flying towards each other

Airlines telling us what’s going on

A good book by candlelight

Hurricane squeezes

Babies conceived

A new baby born!

Zero politics

Zero race issues

Zero race cards

Friends reaching out

Old people getting phone calls

Kids overseas getting in touch

Family photo albums

Families communicating

Little ones helping

Community prayers

Writing a letter

Instrumental entertainment

Workaholics stopping

Bosses talking to staff

Happy memories of past hurricanes

Gratitude for limestone walls

Gratitude for water and electricity

Colour-blind teamwork

Family teamwork

Family poem about a hurricane

Black, white, Indian, Filipino, gay, straight, rich, poor

Bermuda united for two days ...

Come back, hurricane!