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OBA worked like Trojans

One Bermuda Alliance: worked like Trojans (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

Dear Sir,

A harsh awakening, and sadly no time now to balance the budget of a brilliant finance minister, Bob Richards, and a fine premier, Michael Dunkley, and his ministers to guide them through a minefield of mismanagement and ignorance that was left behind by the Progressive Labour Party. The One Bermuda Alliance government worked like Trojans to bring this island from the brink of no return.

They needed another term; one more term to prove and show the other side of the OBA’s policies for the people.

Pride and pettiness must now be dropped. Overtures must be made to keep this lovely little island on an even keel. Personalities seeking publicity must withdraw and decline, and leave the real meat to dedicated pioneers of truth, sanity and wisdom.

Every party makes mistakes, and each must now come to the wicket, admit them and make every effort to put things right. The people deserve nothing less.

The OBA made every effort to get the economy going again by courting every source that would be available to them to show an immediate financial turnaround for success.

The America’s Cup was a gifted chance that they had to take, quite simply, to have enough money with success to look after the people’s needs. That was their first responsibility, which was misunderstood by many ... and not actively and properly explained in meetings and get-togethers. So now, is it too late?

Patience was not a virtue in this case. Instead, it led to anger and mistrust, frustrations and disbelief, and cries of “Why sailing? Why not us?” But “us” could not be served if the purse was empty.

So now is what they are left with. What are they going to do with now? Here is the moment, the time that could go down in our history. We must not make a mistake with now again; any of us.

A chance too opportune to miss, with co-operation and a wholehearted effort from all of us to share in this moment and decide the island’s destiny.

A chance for two bright, intelligent, gifted people who have dedicated their love of this lovely little island, can and will, forgetting all party politics, sit down together and gather support to make this island whole again.

A transparent policy that we can all see, understand and approve.

So that we can enjoy at last the fruits of common sense, wisdom and a working democracy. With respect. God bless Bermuda.