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Make speed limits visible

Make them visible: speed limit signs should be erected

Dear Sir,

My family have been coming to great country of Bermuda for a long, long time. At one time the Sherwood Manor — little boats in the late Twenties — were run by Walter and Gladys Sherwood, relatives of mine.

In 1951 while serving in the United States Air Force, I had the opportunity to see Bermuda once again — in all, I’ve been to Bermuda 16 times.

The past few years, I’ve been staying at the Salt Kettle House, my home away from home. A great place.

I was disappointed to learn about the crime levels in Bermuda. Boston, Massachusetts, is having the same kind of trouble ... my home town.

I would like to make one suggestion, and this is to have posted speed limits more visible — the speed of the motorbikes could be cut down as well as the noise.

With all the trouble in the world, it is nice to be able to experience living in Bermuda. I personally wish the best for all Bermudians.


Wellesley, Massachusetts