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Electric buses worth considering

September 30, 2014

Dear Sir,

Here’s a green idea for PTB.

Rather than have 11 buses leave the Sparky Lightbourne terminal every hour (of which four leave at xx.15 and four at xx.45), with the convoy stopping on Church Street and again at the Foot of the Lane, have one free electric bus leave for the hospital every five minutes.

Inductive charging pads embedded in the loading bay at the hospital and the bus terminal would keep the electric buses humming along nicely.

Routes 1, 2, 7 and 8 would terminate at the hospital, rather than hacking into Hamilton, and passengers wanting to would make a quick, undercover transfer to the free bus service. Those buses could even turn their engines off — if cars can do so automatically at traffic lights, it can’t be that difficult.

Yours powered up,


Hamilton Parish