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So much we can learn from Bermudian icon

Brilliant legal mind: Julian Hall

Dear Sir,

“The issue of disappointing anyone else must take a distant and inferior second place to the goal of pursuing your dreams and making your life choices as you think fit, and with the minimum prospect of regret.” – Julian Hall

Those words said to his daughter are words that we can all listen to and live by. A politician, a lawyer, a legend. Yes, Julian Hall.

Growing up I frequently heard of the legend of Julian Hall and it was always a dream of mine to be able to meet him, to work alongside him, and learn from him.

A dream that I must confess caused great sadness at times as I used to dismiss it as being a dream that was forever lost because of this great man’s death on July 18, 2009.

I didn’t get to meet him in this lifetime, nor did I get to work with the man himself, but certainly the opportunity to learn from him and his life has not escaped me. I work with and under the tutelage of those in the legal fraternity who worked with Mr Hall and who always tell me stories about the man who some regard as the best legal mind Bermuda has ever seen.

Sometimes we have heroes we’ve never met and the burden lies with us to learn as much as we can about them and carry on their legacy; and when we do we will often feel as if we’ve missed out because we never got to meet them.

The reality is, legends never die.

“The energy required to change the world is not easily found, however, and that is why we need heroes. We need to see that there are people who have gone before us who have taken on the mantle with pride and effectiveness. We need to be reminded that there is a code and a creed which some people adhere to which makes them heroic in ways we often fail to notice.” — Charles Richardson.

I’ve made an effort to research court judgments for cases in which Mr Hall appeared. With the help of those who worked with and loved him, I’ve managed to secure columns and interviews and articles. I’m truly fascinated by the things I’m learning.

As I read the articles, court judgments, and interviews from almost 15 years ago, it sparks something inside a young grasshopper like myself. As I read for hours, I take the advice that Julian gave to others years ago as if said directly to me today.

“Look at my life and take all of the brilliant moments and mirror them, make lots of money, and enjoy your work ... but don’t make any of the mistakes I made ... and that should be easy because I’ve shown you what they are ... march forth.”

And yet another timeless quote: “I am also writing. It is very important that I set out — even if only for my children — a history of what I have gone through and experienced. I am determined to finish it if not by the end of this year, then certainly by the early part of next year.”

Sadly, Mr Hall never got to finish his book.

I’ve decided to make it a mission of mine to continue my research on this great man, meet his loved ones and those who worked with and alongside him, and write a book on the life of Julian Hall, who is truly a Bermudian icon.

We all can learn so much from the life of Mr Hall and I believe it’s important that his legacy lives on.

Mr Hall, I will continue to research your life, learn from both your successes and self-admitted failures, and in return for the well received and appreciated guidance and wisdom, I promise to keep your legacy alive. Forever learning from you. Sing on Mr Hall, sing on.