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Independence means being in the driver’s seat

Dear Sir,

This is a poem I wrote in May 1996 on Independence for Bermuda:

Independence — what does it mean?

Standing UP on your own two feet,

Being the driver in the driver's seat.

Being confident that you can surely make it,

Not listening to negative talk

(Naysayers love to squawk),

Handling your own affairs

Not taking orders from far-off shores,

Charting your own course.

No man is an island, for sure,

No country is an "island" we know —

Working together for the good of all,

“Interdependence” is the reality call

What I have seen over the years is that Britain is trying to nudge us out of the nest. I remember when there was a judge that Bermuda wanted and we were told "no" and Britain sent us one. I feel now that Britain is poking at us again by having us wait for a passport to be processed abroad, making government leaders look like "cap in hand" little boys.

I hate it when, over the years, government leaders have to go overseas to beg for what we want.



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Published December 12, 2022 at 7:59 am (Updated December 12, 2022 at 7:48 am)

Independence means being in the driver’s seat

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