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Youngsters try their hand at bridge

Tonight is the Bridge Club Christmas party and prizegiving. I will bring you the list of winners next week.

John Burville, president of the Bridge Club, has been a tireless supporter of youth bridge in Bermuda and his efforts have given us some hope that bridge can finally get into the schools and to the youth, all of which bodes well.

Here is a message from John with news of a special game to support this initiative:

“On Wednesday morning, December 28, we will be having a special game celebrating the Bridge in Schools programme, which has been going for 2½ years, mostly in Saltus.

“But as you are all aware we started in BHS, and Berkeley this year. Hopefully, we can increase the number of students that get involved in the programme. It does take a lot of volunteer effort, and a lot of work to ensure we keep the students engaged.

“More will be happening in the future.

“As most of you know, we had four students from Saltus go to Salsomaggiore to participate in the WBF World Youth Team Championships.

“Although it was obvious they would be outclassed by students that had played and trained for the event over a number of years, our youths represented Bermuda proudly.

“The support and welcome from the international community was exceptional.

“Our team received the Joan Gerard award for aptitude, fair play, good sportsmanship, and a friendly international spirit.

“The WBF Bridge team all went off to college in September/October.

“However, we have been in contact with them to see if we can have them down to the club for a game during the Christmas break.

“This brings me back to December 28. They have all agreed to join is for our Wednesday morning game.

“Please join me and attend that game if you can so that we can celebrate the Bridge in Schools programme, and congratulate our youth team for upholding the Bermudian spirit at the World Youth Championships.

“If supporting this programme is not sufficient enticement, we will of course be having food after the game. I have had offers to prepare a pot stew, and would be very appreciative of any other offers.

“Many thanks.

John Burville.”

So, support the game and take advantage of that “pot stew” …. whatever that is!

This week’s hand came up at the Bridge Club on Tuesday night and South’s opening bid made the hand an open book for declarer.

Board 15

South Deals

N-S Vul


S 987

H 87543

D 9752

C 7


S J3

H Q102

D Q104

C AJ964


S KQ6542

H 9

D 83

C Q1083


S A10



C K52

South opened the bidding with a weak 2 Spades showing a six card suit and 6-10 HCP.

West doubled and East bid 3 Clubs showing values (EW were playing Lebensohl so with a weak hand East would first bid 2NT and then a suit ).

There was now no stopping West and 6NT became the final contract.

North led a spade to the Queen and Ace and declarer won and ran off eight red cards noting that South had one heart and two diamonds making his shape 6-1-2-4!

The rest was easy

This was the position after nine tricks:


S 98

H 8


C 7










C Q108


S 10



C K52

South had to come down to the stiff King of spades in order to protect the Clubs and now declarer simply cashed the Club king and threw South in with the spade to lead into the Ace-Jack…..lovely!