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Do you work for one of Island’s best employers?

The Bottom Line’s annual Top 10 Employers in Bermuda kicks off its fourth annual survey this month to find the best companies to work for on the Island.The two-part survey endeavours to find which of the Island’s companies offer the most rewarding work environment across a number of key areas.This is the second year the survey has partnered with Mindmaps, one of Bermuda’s leading quantitative research firms, to create the online survey and provide statistical analysis of the key measurement areas.The survey’s two phases focus on generating data from both employers and employees regarding a number of key employment areas including staff benefits, hiring rates, workplace safety and conditions, internal communication, compensation, corporate culture and overall satisfaction, among other areas.A panel of industry experts will then review a cross section of answers from the entrants and provide their feedback.Local insurer, BF&M, took the top spot in 2011, having placed second for the previous two years. According to BF&M CEO John Wight, their persistence in employee satisfaction paid off.“When I took over as CEO seven years ago, I was very conscious of the fact that I wanted every employee’s career at BF&M to be special, and when they left the company at retirement or other means, that they could look back on their career and feel as though they were challenged and part of a family,” said Mr Wight.This year’s survey entrance period is open until Wednesday February 29. Companies must have 25 employees or more to be eligible to enter. The top ten companies will be announced in the Spring issue of Bottom Line magazine, published on April 2.To enter the 2012 survey contact info[AT]bottomline.bm or 278-0138.