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Security flaw lets hackers unlock iPhone 5, access data

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Anyone with the new iPhone 5 should beware of a security flaw that could let hackers to gain access to sensitive information on their phone.A bug in Apple’s latest iOS 6.1 update allows anyone with access to the phone the ability to view and modify contacts, read and send e-mails and even listen to your voicemails and make calls — even if the device is protected by a password.A new YouTude video making its way around shows users how to bypass the iPhone 5 passcode on Apple’s latest update. The person who posted the vide shows how anyone can access the phone app on a passcode-protected iPhone.While we won’t provide details, the YouTube user who uploaded the video gives step-by-step directions on how to break into a phone. The video shows how to sidestep Apple’s simple passcode that allows users to input four numbers to unlock the device,“For prank[ing] your friends, for a magic show. Use it as you want, at your own risk, but ... please ... do not use this trick to do evil,” “videosdebarraquito” posted on the YouTube page.Once someone has broken into a device, they have the ability to listen to voicemails, place calls, make a FaceTime call and look through the handset’s photos through the contacts section of the phone app. When trying to go elsewhere in the software, the user is sent back to the passcode screen. Still, there doesn’t currently appear to be any immediate way to safeguard against the hack.This isn’t the first time Apple has had holes in their mobile operating system. A similar exploit was found in the iOS 4.1.Apple will likely address the flaw rather quickly. Until then, iPhone 5 owners are advised to keep a close watch on their devices so they don’t fall into the wrong hands.

Security Flaw: iPhone 5 users will want to hold on to their devices as a hole in its new iOS 6.1 lets hackers in even if the phone's password protected.