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Court Street Market to celebrate Cup Match

Nadine Clarke-Dillas, the owner of Nadz Beauty Enterprise (Photograph by Duncan Hall)

Businesses in North East Hamilton are gearing up to join the Cup Match party.

The Court Street Market Association will stage its third annual Cup Match Extravaganza on Sunday from 1pm until 6pm.

Vehicular access to Court Street between Victoria Street and Angle Street will be closed from 6am to accommodate the event.

Nadine Clarke-Dillas is the owner of Nadz Beauty Enterprise, the hair and beauty supplies store on Court Street, and is one of the organisers of the celebration.

She said: “The majority of business owners on Court Street are opening up or coming outside with a pop-up shop. We normally have more than 60 vendors.”

Events will also feature entertainment, including DJ Barry G, as well as food, games and activities.

Anyone spending $25 or more will have their name entered into a raffle for prizes that include a 50-inch flatscreen television sponsored by Soul Food Café.

In addition, the premiere of the documentary film Heart of the City will take place at 5pm on a big screen under a tent at the corner of Court and Dundonald streets. Seating will be available.

The free screening is a presentation of the Department of Culture in association with Family Centre and the Court Street Market Association.

The Department of Culture website says: "Home to movers and shakers in education, politics, the church and business, Court Street was once known as the mecca of Black Bermuda.

“The Bermuda Recorder was its voice; doctors and lawyers hung up their shingles, businesses were born and thrived and old Bermuda families lived and worked side by side with Caribbean newcomers. Heart of the City explores Court Street’s storied past, present and prospects for the future.”

The Court Street Market Association has its roots in a Facebook page launched by Ms Clarke-Dillas during the Covid-19 lockdown in Bermuda in 2020.

Originally called Empowered Shopping Village, it sought to help people who needed to work, and who had skills to offer.

That December, the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation covered the vendor fees for a two-day market on Court Street.

Building on that event and a successful two-day “flash sale” held in February 2021, the association was started by Ms Clarke-Dillas, Gary Augustus, of Soul Food Café, Earlette Stephens, of Ashley’s Lemonade, and Elmore Warren, of Fresh Creations.

Ms Clarke-Dillas said: “We came together, the four of us, and sat down and started something to keep the community and our businesses active. From there, we came up with the name Court Street Market Association.”

Today, Mr Augustus and Ms Clarke-Dillas are the main organisers behind the CSMA, but have the support of the entire group, she said.

The organisation, which has more than 20 members but many more supporters, held its first outdoor market during the summer of 2021, and now holds seven or eight themed markets annually.

Looking ahead to Sunday, Ms Clarke-Dillas said: “We are looking for more people to come out and enjoy themselves, and to support the vendors, the businesses, that will be here.”

Nadine Clarke-Dillas, the owner of Nadz Beauty Enterprise (Photograph by Duncan Hall)
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Published July 26, 2024 at 8:00 am (Updated July 27, 2024 at 8:09 am)

Court Street Market to celebrate Cup Match

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