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Preserve Marriage: ‘Ruling is attack on values’

Preserve Marriage members (File photograph)

Preserve Marriage labelled the gay marriage ruling as an attack on traditional values, claiming it has worsened the divide in Bermuda.

The group also said redefining marriage in other countries had led to “the reinvention of gender among children” among other worrying outcomes.

“By imposing this judgment, the court has ruled against many in the community of Bermuda,” Preserve Marriage said.

“The decision has heightened the cultural divide in this country and has further fractured our society.

“The judgment is an attack on traditional marriage. It is an attack on Christian and other faith-based and traditional values.”

Preserve Marriage pointed to last year’s referendum, at which 14,100 people — 32 per cent of the electorate, and 69 per cent of those who voted — said they were against same-sex marriage. More people would have voted if Michael Dunkley, the Premier, had not said the referendum was non-binding, Preserve Marriage argued.

The group added: “It does not negate the fact that the people of Bermuda clearly decided they do not want same-sex marriage because of the vast cultural change it will bring.”

It went on: “The redefinition of marriage in other countries has led to the reinvention of gender among children; the erosion of parenting rights to govern what their children are taught as it relates to gender and same-sex education; and the false perception that the church, faith-based organisations, and non-faith affiliated citizens who stand for traditional marriage are promoting bigotry or hate speech.

“Bermuda has now become the only country in the world to introduce same-sex marriage through the ruling of a single judge.”

Preserve Marriage will continue to stand for traditional marriage between a man and a woman, it added, because of “its importance to the culture of Bermuda, the family and most critically the children”.

It continued: “We firmly believe that the redefinition of marriage leads to an exponential cultural shift in the future of Bermuda and the children that will be raised on these islands.”

Editor’s note: given the landmark nature of this case, The Royal Gazette will divert from normal policy and allow comments. However, the thread will be closely monitored, with the worst offenders summarily banned before any final decision is taken to close comments

To read the full statement click on the PDF under related media