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Breath test refusal man referred to DUI Court

A man was referred to the Driving Under the Influence Court yesterday after he admitted refusal a breath test for the third time in a decade.

Al-Rashid Ebbin, 38, pleaded guilty in Magistrates’ Court to refusal to take a breath test and riding without a licence.

The court heard that police officers on Crow Lane in Pembroke saw a motorcyclist head west at a high rate of speed before he slowed down, swerved and tooted his horn.

The officers pulled over the rider, later identified as Ebbin, on Front Street.

Ebbin admitted that he did not have his driver’s licence and that he had two drinks earlier.

He was arrested and taken to Hamilton Police Station where police asked him to take a breath test.

But Ebbin refused to take the test, despite a reminder that it was an offence not to.

Ebbin told police: “I know my rights, I don’t have to take a test right away.”

The incident happened in the early hours of October 2.

The court heard that Ebbin, from St George’s, admitted similar offences in 2013 and 2017.

He told Magistrate Tyrone Chin that he wanted to take part in DUI Court.

Mr Chin ordered a social inquiry report and a drug assessment and adjourned the case until DUI Court today.