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Why do we give a posse of cyclists a free ride?

Just giving you a quick heads up about the migratory return of a very colourful species of animal that you might have seen moving along, usually Harbour Road, in very annoying packs, anything from two to eight strong ... I'm talking about the "cyclist paininabutus".As next weekend approaches, an international cycling event will take place on our Island and we will be seeing a lot more of these hoards of riders on our roads, as they prepare for the event. They will be doing their best to delay your commute to where ever you’re going, so be warned and allow yourself plenty of time to get to your destination.I have a lot of pet peeves, but this one is on my Top Ten List as I’m sure it is for others as well, and here is why. In order for me to drive my car on the road I pay a licence fee, and with that I have every right to expect to get to my destination safely and in reasonable time, but then I come across a posse of these riders two wide and six deep making it impossible to overtake them especially since they take up as much road space up as a Mac truck, it really gets me peed-off.I don’t have any problem with the single cyclist on the road they are normally thoughtful road users they tend to hug the side walk and hands go up when they want to turn and wave you on if the road is clear in front of them very considerate actually. But when they're out cycling as a group of "Tour de France" wannabes in colourful spandex with companies names emblazoned all over their jerseys from Italian banks and tyre makers to Swedish prophylactic manufacturers, and you're trying to overtake them, they just don't give a damn and leave you sitting in your car getting very frustrated while you watch them sipping away on their plastic water bottles and talking about the latest bike pump that was featured in this month's issue of ’”My Monthly Cycle” without a care in the world.Now, I’m not saying that bike riders should not train. No, not by any means. All I’m saying is stay off the roads during the busiest times. I know for a fact that bikes are easily transported on cars. I’ve seen that contraption on the back of cars, the one that looks like a couple of bulls horns sticking out so far that I’m sure it’s against the law to use it without having a red warning flag. You know, the same type of flag that you see on trucks when hauling large loads of lumber … but that’s another story. All I am asking, and I’m sure others too, is to please put your bikes on your bike racks, drive down to Southside and ride to your heart's content, or ride early in the mornings when no one is around (which I know some do).As a footnote, and this is purely an observation, I was walking along Front Street the other day when one of these cyclists got off his bike and was walking along the pavement with it. He had on a pair of those cycle shoes with the metal clips on the soles that makes that clicking noise when walking. He was also wearing one of those multi-coloured spandex get-ups and I had to ask myself, "Does it really get that cold when riding a bike"? Hey, Spandex is a privilege not a right!!Something got you tire pressure up e-mail me at grumpyoldman@royalgazette.bmFollow Grumpy on his Twitter page: https://twitter.com/#!/GrumpyoldmanMan