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Seeing our island through others’ eyes

Picture perfect: we must remember not to take this island’s beauty for granted

When I was a little girl, I read excitedly about the ocean.

Wrapped up in a warm blanket and looking thoughtfully at my frozen windowpanes in Siberia, I passionately dreamt of swimming in it. My dream has come true.

The ocean, majestic and mysterious, changing every moment, has become an integral part of my life. I cannot imagine my world without it, and its constant companionship.

When I leave Bermuda I am bereft, like a compass spinning without ever finding true North. The ocean is like someone I love that I miss constantly.

When I look down on the turquoise sea from my approaching plane, I instantly smile.

I published a “live” video of the waves crashing at Coral Beach on Facebook: strong waves rhythmically rolling on pure white sand, a low sky, white clouds racing across the far horizon.

It was powerful, godlike, breathtaking.

The light was absolutely extraordinary. One could see and appreciate all shades of blue in the boundless transparency of the ocean.

I took my iPhone and began broadcasting.

The day was so gorgeous, I felt I had to share it with other people, especially people living far inland who have never seen the ocean before.

Of course, they have seen it in movies, but something special happens in live broadcasts.

People feel they are almost there, they know it is happening right now and their imagination travels directly to that moment. A part of them opens up, and the yearning and desire for beauty we all possess takes over us.

I did not expect the passionate reaction I received to this video, and was surprised by the lyrical comments from Russian people.

I decided to translate and share some of them with you.

Why? Often we are we blinded by our everyday routine or lost in our inner dramas. We drive along South Shore Road oblivious to the awesome tableau taking place right outside our car windows.

We concentrate on when we might pass the creeping car ahead of us.

We give the thundering surf a quick glance and continue with our personal monologue.

Outside is purity, majesty, wonder, the raw power of the elements, the interplay of dazzling sun on silver waters. But inside….“Hmmm, a straightaway is around the bend, maybe I could pass there?”

We forget that around that same bend is a spot to pull off to the side and view the pink beaches, and further ahead a small turn-off where we can enjoy the stunning reefs of Church Bay.

We often take it all for granted, we see it as merely a background.

We forget to thank the universe for this marvellous opportunity to live here on this paradise of an island, not in grey and soulless concrete cities, where ugly buildings are whipped by bitter winds that howl across empty steppes and forbidding landscapes.

Here are a few of the comments to my live broadcast:

“When I hear the sound and see how the waves roll it fascinates me and leads me to the thought that the ocean is alive!”

“I directly feel these waves, and this pure beauty brings me a positive vibe!”

“I want to wander along this shore. Get lost along these rocks. The clouds hang low, and the sky is the same blue as the sea. Divine!”

“Thank you, Nina! I have not seen such beauty before. What power and strength. The water is radiant and blue. At least by video I can be near the ocean!”

“Thank you for this beauty. That’s where power, and greatness lives!”

“I meditate together with you on this perfect beach. Thank you, Nina!”

“The colours of heaven are reflected in the ocean. And all this for us and for free. Gifts of God.”

“What beauty. What water. I SO want to go there.”

“It is my best therapy, to be by this ocean.”

“I directly feel these waves, and this positive energy. This beauty. Thank you for sending such emotions through your eyes.”

“The waves are stunning and I want to jump straight into the screen! Thank you for sharing this beauty.”

“The Ocean! I LOVE YOU !!!! Do you hear?”

“On the horizon, the deep paint of the ocean. And the clouds are mighty, the lords of the sky. The sky is blue, the colour of a sea wave. From the cloud lies a shadow on the shore. I hear foam noise in the waves!”

“This fantastic beauty can be watched for ever … Thank you for your positive video and message, Nina. And for reminding us that it is wonderful to dream.”

* Nina London is a certified wellness and weight-management coach. Her mission is to support and inspire mature women to make positive changes in their body and mind.

Share your inspirational stories with her here: www.ninalondon.com