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Listen to your heart

Fear disappears: While waiting at a bus stop in Irkutsk, Nina London decided she to leave Russia and see the world

“Our hearts require the changes,

Our eyes require the changes,

Into our laugh and our tears,

And into pulse of veins


We are waiting for changes.”

I always remember these passionate words from a famous Russian song. I listen to them in my head to inspire and encourage me when I start a new journey. It is my anthem of change.

When I was a young woman in Siberia I wanted to see the world, but in the Soviet era it was impossible. I was standing at a bus stop in the industrial city of Irkutsk, dressed in my best clothes and on my way to teach at the university. Suddenly, a truck veered from its lane and drove purposefully through the large puddle of snow melt at my feet. A spray of greasy, grey water covered me and I began to cry.

In that instant, I knew I had to leave. I had to find the faraway lands I had read about, where the ocean roared in towering blue waves and white seabirds flew and the air smelled of flowers and the tropic night was still and warm.

A feeling of certainty rose up in me that has carried me through many years and thousands of miles to where I sit writing these lines today. Many of you are ready for changes. You want to become confident, stronger, independent, healthy, creative, successful, positive, beloved and happy. You desire to fulfil your long-time dreams. You hunger for a more satisfying life, with a purpose and fulfilling relationships.

If you want this change, if your strong inner voice is telling you that it is time for a transformation, if this desire is pulsing in your veins so strong that you can’t sleep, if your intuition quietly, but persistently, whispers to your heart that now is the time, then do it.

Do not wait, hoping you will suddenly get lucky and everything in your life alters for the better. Do not rely on a prince who will find you and take you on a white horse to the castle. Do not think that you and your situation will quickly and magically change.

You, and only you, are responsible and accountable for your life. Only you have a choice in where to steer the rudder of your ship and what course to set in the vast ocean of choices. Do not wait for fair winds or calm and sunny weather because you may wait for a long time. Go on your journey to the new you, right now. What freedom and happiness to know that you firmly hold the wheel of your ship and that you are on the course you choose.

I know how difficult it is to take the first step because there is uncertainty ahead. You keep asking yourself, “Can I do it? Do I have the courage and the strength?”

It is perfectly normal to experience fear before starting something new.

Believe me, it’s scary only at first; as soon as you start to act, the fear disappears and you find more and more strength and faith in yourself. It is important to understand that you are much stronger than you think.

Why even start? You start because you are going to a better life.

“The road will be mastered by the going” — this is really so. During your new journey, you will meet many kind and good people who will help and support you. When you are following the path of your heart, there is a whole universe that will be your loyal friend.

Each of you, my dear readers, can find happiness. Tell yourself, “I can do it, I’m ready for change! I want to change!”

How to start? You must be clear about why you must change.

You are the only person who can voice the reasons for change; not the people closest to you, not your trusted advisers.

I will help you to pull up the anchor that holds you and start you on your way.

I cordially invite you to my free talk from 6pm to 7pm on Tuesday, I Want A Change! Call 518-1633 to make a reservation.

Nina London is a certified wellness and weight-management coach. Her mission is to support and inspire mature women to make positive changes in their body and mind. Share your inspirational stories with her at www.ninalondon.com