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Lift every voice and lead

Glenn Fubler represents Imagine Bermuda

Kudos to Bermuda Youth Connect, Bermuda Is Love and Taj Donville-Outerbridge for lifting their voices in challenging the timing of the General Election, given its implications for many younger members of the electorate. This in light of the lack of provision for students studying abroad in being able to participate at the polls.

By exercising their agency, these young activists are exemplifying the legacy of those on whose shoulders we all stand, such as the young activist members of the Progressive Group in 1959.

In lifting their voices, they have promoted a community dialogue — inviting all of us — which is required for meaningful democracy and promotes a momentum towards deep community engagement during this pivotal juncture in Bermuda and worldwide.

I also wish to commend the Progressive Labour Party for its tone in responding to the media outreach of these youth representatives. The party essentially accepted the feedback and committed to addressing this longstanding matter.

The PLP’s response contrasts with the impulse — of which we are all guilty — to “play the man rather than the ball”. A cursory glimpse at any media reveals loads of evidence of the collateral damage wrought by that habit. By resisting the “Them and Us” playbook, which undermines any real sense of community, we are able to employ the deep dialogue needed to address existential implications.

In both the announcement by the Premier and this response by the youth groups, there is a solid consensus that this moment in both local and global affairs is pivotal. We have seen in the circumstances facing our American neighbours, as well as unprecedented challenges facing Canada, Britain and Continental Europe, which speak to a crisis across the planet.

In our small island with very limited resources, the only thing that we really have is each other. The template we have inherited from Westminster most often stokes a high degree of competitiveness — a zero-sum game. However, the circumstances we face are calling us to make a shift to address the big picture rather than partisan interests. It is arguable that this crossroads, locally and globally, is urging us to come together to promote a renaissance that will serve the entire island.

Those youth groups who have lifted their voices are doing more than “making statements”. Their busy and meaningful engagement across the island is ample evidence that they are “walking their talk” through feeding programmes, community gardens, free legal advice, etc.

Let’s all consider following their example as together we face these most challenging times with the goal of renewing whole community.

• Glenn Fubler represents Imagine Bermuda

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Published January 14, 2025 at 7:58 am (Updated January 21, 2025 at 2:59 pm)

Lift every voice and lead

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