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So, what do you think?

DO you hope to see Bermuda become the "Hong Kong of the Atlantic" or you dread the thought? Should planning restrictions be tighter? How should we combat traffic congestion? Has Bermuda's international business sector got any room for further growth?

Questions like these will be high on the agenda of four public meetings to be held over the next two weeks, focusing on the subject of sustainable development.

Members of the Government team looking into sustainable development will be outlining their concept and inviting public input, ahead of drafting action plans for Bermuda's long-term development.

All the meetings will start at 7 p.m. and the first will be held next Tuesday at St. James Church, Somerset, followed by another on Thursday at Penno's Wharf Crusie Ship Terminal, St. George's.

The Leopards' Club in Hamilton will host the third meeting on Tuesday, May 17, while the fourth will be at Spice Valley Middle School two days later.

Project leader Ross Andrews said: "Public participation is essential if Bermuda is to develop a workable strategy for its sustainability. Everyone on the island is collectively responsible for defining and achieving the type of Bermuda which their children and their children's children will inherit.

"It's about quality of life now and in the future. The first step is to hear your views on what the priorities are and what actions are needed."

The public is also invited to e-mail its comments to the team to chartingourcoursegov.bm.